De wereld van oefenruimtes voor muziek

The voice for the rehearsal industry
The Association of Independent Rehearsal & Recording Studios came into effect during the initial Covid-19 lockdown of 2020. Managers of three independent rehearsal studios got together online to discuss what was to become of the music rehearsal space sector of the music industry.
What started as a messenger group between a handful of studios grew into an association of 100+ members with a thriving and supportive online community within six months. It welcomes all independent studios providing a rehearsal and / or recording service based in the United Kingdom to become a member of the association.
Together it will work to achieve the following for its members:
Ensure the voices of the sector are heard
Greater visibility within the music industry and the wider public
Provide support to keep their business thriving
Seek partnerships and benefits with service & equipment providers
To find out more about AIRRS click here.