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Bandspace is carrying out a snapshot poll to find out how musicians use music rehearsal spaces.

If you run a music rehearsal space, your response is appreciated.

Deadline: Friday 24 February 2023

Your answers will be treated confidentially and will not be shared. You will not be identified in the poll.
We will publish the aggregated results in a published feature on the Bandspace website.

The results will only be as good as the number of responses we receive.

Last years survey results can be found here.

How do bands use your rehearsal space?

1. Please enter the name of your music rehearsal space

2. Roughly, what is the end purpose of musicians using your music rehearsal space?

Please ensure your percentages add up to 100%

3. Generally speaking, how do musicians book your music practice room?

Please ensure your percentages add up to 100%

4. Approximately how many cancellations or no shows do you receive per week? (session-based spaces only not lockout/residency rooms)

5. Estimate how many bookings in an average week you received over the past year per room and what percentage of those were block bookings (3 or more)?

6. How do you think users find out about your rehearsal space for the first time?

First time users (tick as many as apply)

7. In your opinion what are the biggest challenges in running a music rehearsal space?

8. Any other question you wish to see asked in future snapshot polls? Please also add any general comments about your space or Bandspace.

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